Welcome to the chess club of the GO! atheneum Mariakerke

Play chess online against Fritz, who plays chess like a human. The wiser you play, the more likely Fritz is to make a mistake.

Look forward to your opportunity! No need to log in. Have fun playing chess!

Chess pieces

Chess info 2023-2024

Chess goes from 16 October 2023 any Monday afternoon by from 1.15pm to 1.40pm in room 0.04 under the guidance of Mr Sadkowski.

It does not matter whether you are an experienced chess player or not. Everyone is welcome!


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Calendar of Events

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Pedagogical study day

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Start of new chess season 2023-2024

Please contact the teacher, Mr Sadkowski, to register with the provided registration form.

Using this form, you can (re)register yourself for the chess club. Please note that the number of possible participants is limited to 20 students.

The first chess event will take place on Monday 16 October between 1.15 pm and 1.40 pm at local 0.04 and is open to all.

From the following week, only registered pupils will be able to attend. Pupils who still want to participate then will have to register first.



You use a chess board with chess pieces from the school.


Number of pupils enrolled:

9 out of 20 places for 1 group of chess players

on any Monday afternoon

from 16 October 2023


Learning to play chess


Bring your friend to the chess club ! Welcome!