
Our GO! atheneum Mariakerke offers every secondary school pupil the opportunity to after registration free learning and practising chess.

If interested, please send the registrations form through this website to become a free member. When doing so, please report whether you are a beginner are and like to have a initiation lesson gets. Afterwards, you will receive an initial invitation.

To register, you can also submit a message Send via Smartschool to Mr Sadkowski.

On the website, you can follow the number of registrations in real time. You will be informed about the distribution and timing in good time via Smartschool and on the chess website at agenda.

At each chess moment, your participation reported through the chess website so that a maximum of 20 students may be allowed to play chess.


  • You will follow the teacher's given guidelines so that every chess moment is conducted in serenity. Otherwise, you will no longer be welcome.
  • You play chess on a chess board with chess pieces from the school. At the end of the chess session, you store everything in a box. In doing so, check that no piece is missing. You then put this box in the provided cupboard in the same room 0.04, where chess continues.